The Challenge

Delivering a Powerful Attendee Experience and Value to Sponsors

The DataRobot events team was tasked with producing a major virtual event to show other companies how AI could accelerate their businesses during challenging times.

With a short timeline, the team had to find a virtual platform to host the event, help with planning and coordination, and execute an event they had never done before.

DataRobot’s top priority was customer experience. The team needed an end-to-end product that would streamline the experience for them, their customers, and prospects. At the time, the team didn’t know what the agenda would look like or how many sessions would be pre-recorded, so they needed a flexible platform that could be continuously iterated upon.

Additionally, DataRobot is a data-driven company. The team needed thorough data analytics to prove event success and tell a good story. The team also needed to show sponsors that virtual events could provide as much value for them as their in-person counterparts.

The Solution

A User-friendly, Data-rich Virtual Event Software Solution

The DataRobot team felt empowered to make decisions and get started on the platform quickly because of all the resources at their disposal, including the BizzaKnowledge center. Housing videos and classes, BizzaKnowledge provided the team with a personalized learning experience. The chat boards allowed the team to search by keyword to find answers to common questions and interact with other Bizzabo customers.

“The Salesforce integration has been a huge value add for us because all of the registrations coming in are syncing directly with Salesforce.”
Lindsay Reardon
Event Manager

To drive value for attendees and sponsors, the DataRobot team provided a virtual exhibitor hall experience on the Bizzabo platform. The team gave each sponsor their own landing page on the event website, which they could use to upload documents and images like collateral or logos to recreate the experience of an exhibitor booth.

Bizzabo Interact, a streaming solution designed for smaller sessions where engagement is key, provided sponsors with the ability to use live broadcasting. They could share screens, chat with the group, upload presentations, and even host one-on-one breakout sessions. The breakouts allowed sponsors to go more in-depth and tailor their demos or discussion to the prospective customer’s interests.

The Results

A Data-informed Approach to Customer Expansion and Pipeline Generation

The user-friendliness of the Bizzabo platform made it easy for the team to gather real-time insights and make split-second decisions. For example, on day two of the event, the keynote speaker had technical difficulties, and the team was concerned that some attendees might drop from the session.

With Bizzabo, the DataRobot events team was “able to go into the analytics in real-time and see how many people were dropping off and after how long.” They found that the technical challenges didn’t impact their session attendance much.

datarobot case study

They could also use insights like who stayed for the shortest or longest time to determine which attendees would be best primed for follow-up as potential customers and which sessions were most relevant to their audience.

Regarding measuring pipeline generation and customer expansion, the DataRobot team used the engagement insights they collected through the Bizzabo platform and the Salesforce integration to see which customers from top accounts were signing up. The team leveraged the Salesforce integration to understand which top account contacts were registered and which promotions were performing well, allowing them to make data-informed decisions for future events.

“Data analytics was the feature that helped us pick Bizzabo because we could do so much within the platform in real-time.”
Brittany Vogel
VP of Global Events