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Event Marketing, Event Templates & Checklists
26 May 2021 

9 Essential Virtual Event Email Templates

Rachel Rappaport
9 Essential Virtual Event Email Templates

Capture your audience’s attention and drive registrations with these virtual event emails. These templates will help engage your attendees at every step.

The rise of digital experiences sparked a significant influx in the number of events available to attendees. Every day, hundreds of companies are all vying for the attention of the same or similar audience and hoping to drive attendees to their virtual events.

So how can you stand out from the crowd and capture your audience’s attention and relay important information simultaneously? By crafting interest-generating, impactful, and succinct emails.

We’ve broken down the attendee journey into four main types of emails you can use to reach the right audience at the right time.

  1. Invitation emails are the first email touchpoint you have with your potential attendees.
  2. Confirmation emails are the second touchpoint.
  3. Reminder emails help your event stay top of mind for your audience.
  4. Post-event emails extend the life of your event and guide the attendees through their journey.

For even more resources and templates to help you plan your virtual events, check out our Virtual Event Production Kit.

virtual event production kit from bizzabo

Invitation Emails

Invitation emails are the first touchpoint you have with your potential attendees. It’s your chance to make an impression and sets the tone for your communication.

To maximize registrations, we recommend sending at least two invitation emails — one invite to everyone and one to retarget those who opened your email but didn’t register (also called a follow-up invitation email).

Invitation Email

Subject line: March 18: Reimagine the Event Experience

You’re invited, [First Name].

Reimagine Experience is here. It’s the event for thousands of marketing and event professionals to get inspired and reimagine the attendee experience.

You get the first chance to register. Thursday, March 18, at 10 am ET (mark your calendar).

Ready to discuss the most significant trends of 2021 and how to best design the event experience? What are you waiting for?

CTA Button: Save Your Seat


Your friends at Events4Awesome

Details about the email:

The subject line alludes to the name of the event as well as the date, which helps to create urgency among your audience and makes it very clear when the event is taking place.

The body of the email starts with personalization by including the recipient’s name and makes it clear that this is an invitation. Getting the most important information front and center with a crowded medium like email is important.

In this case, by the subject line and first sentence, we’ve already told our audience that there is an event coming up, when that event is, the name of the event, and that they are invited. And we’ve done that all in just 8 words.

Invitation follow-up email

Subject line: It’s not too late: Reimagine Experience registration is still open

Hi [First Name],

There’s still time to register for Reimagine Experience.

On Thursday, March 18 at 10 am ET / 3 pm GMT, join thousands of marketing and event leaders to discover 2024’s biggest event trends and reimagine how we design the attendee experience.

Plus: We’ll feature a speaker from the NBA to share how COVID-19 changed their approach to the attendee experience. You’ll also hear from speakers at American Express Global Business Travel, Financial Times, MC2, and more!

Don’t miss these exclusive sessions:

    • Two NBA sessions where we’ll be talking about The Bubble
    • Interactive thought huddles where attendees can volunteer to ask thought leaders their most pressing questions
    • An inspiring keynote from Bizzabo’s CEO about the outcomes-based future of events

RSVP NOW (hyperlink)


Your friends at Events4Awesome

Details about the email:

This subject line instills urgency even more than the previous email since the purpose is to retarget those who did not register yet. We’ve still included the event name, but instead of the date, we’re explaining that they still have time (implying they won’t have time if they wait much longer).

In this email, we’ve gone more into depth about the value of the event. If they opened the first email and didn’t register, perhaps they need more details to be convinced this event is worth their time or something they’ll find value in.

We’ve also done some name-dropping (an essential tactic in business) and included details about the sessions to provide an idea of what the event will look like to generate interest.

Confirmation emails

Some virtual event platforms will automatically send a confirmation email when a guest registers. In that case, you could build this email out in the backend and don’t have to worry about it after that.

The confirmation email is an integral part of the attendee journey because it establishes trust with your audience and explains clearly to them where they are in their registration process and how to access the content on event day.

Sometimes, if you don’t have the next details ready, you can use a quick line like “more details will be coming your way!” or “stay tuned for another email with instructions” to let your attendees know that everything they need to know will be outlined for them and doesn’t leave them wondering what to do next or if they have to do anything else.

Subject line: RSVP Confirmation to Reimagine Experience

Hi [First Name],

Congratulations! You’re registered for Reimagine Experience.

Visit the agenda and start reserving your spot in the sessions that resonate most with you.

CTA Button: Visit the Agenda


Your friends at Events4Awesome

Details about the email:

This example starts with the first part of the subject line, explaining that this is just a confirmation email. It’s best to keep the subject lines of this type of email very clear.

We’ve then started with one line that explains further that the purpose of this email is to confirm that the reader is successfully registered and that there are no extra steps required to save their spot.

For this particular email, we included some extra information for our attendees to prepare for the event by reserving their session spots.

Rather than sending a separate email, you can minimize a crowded inbox by including pre-event tasks in the confirmation email.

Reminder emails

We recommend sending three reminder emails to reach your audience at the right time: 1 week out, 24 hours out, and 1 hour out.

Reminder emails have become more common in the virtual space for two reasons:

  1. It’s easy to sign up for an event and forget as it gets closer (the 1 week and 24-hour emails solve this).
  2. As we mentioned, so many event invitations are going to the same attendees, so it’s essential to ensure yours is top of mind, especially if events are happening simultaneously.

Here are a couple of examples below. We’ve included the same screenshots to ensure that at every touchpoint, we’re providing the information and not making our attendees go back to search for any old emails. We’ve also included specific subject lines to clarify what this email is for.

1-week reminder email

Subject Line: One Week Until Reimagine Experience!

Hi [First Name],

Reimagine Experience is one week away! We’re looking forward to this inspirational, interactive event featuring the SVP of Business Operations and Global Events of the NBA, and many other industry leaders.

virtual event email templates - save your seat


Your friends at Events4Awesome

24 hours reminder email

Subject Line: One Day Until Reimagine Experience!

Hi Name,

Reimagine Experience is just one day away! Don’t miss this inspirational, interactive event at 10 am ET / 2 pm GMT.

virtual event email templates - join the event


    1. Click the Join Event button above at the specified time and date (10 am ET / 2 pm GMT).

Note: Please do not share this link with others; it’s unique to you!

    1. You can also join the event directly from the agenda. Click the “Broadcast” button on the session. You may be asked to log in with the email address you used to register.

virtual event email templates - how to join the event


Your friends at Events4Awesome

1 hour reminder email

Subject Line: One Hour Until Reimagine Experience!

Hi Name,

Reimagine Experience is in just one hour! Don’t miss it:

virtual event email templates - join the event


    1. Click the Join Event button above at the specified time and date (10 am ET / 2 pm GMT).

Note: Please do not share this link with others; it’s unique to you!

    1. You can also join the event directly from the agenda. Click the “Broadcast” button on the session. You may be asked to log in with the email address you used to register.

virtual event email templates - how to join the event


Your friends at Events4Awesome

Post-event emails

The virtual space allows us to extend the life of our events to make them more than a moment in time. If you created a slack community or network, encourage your attendees to continue the conversation. If you enabled on-demand functionality, encourage those who did and didn’t attend to access the content whenever and wherever they want. If you have a post-event survey, this is a great time to ask your participants to fill that out.

However you choose to keep the momentum going, the post-event emails are a great way to start. Think of them as another touchpoint in the journey rather than the end of your event.

We send two emails to our audience, one for those who attended (attendees), and one explicitly targeted to people who registered but did not attend (registrants).

Registered and Attended

Subject Line: Thank you for attending Reimagine Experience | Watch On-Demand

Hi [First Name],

Thank you for attending our recent event, Reimagine Experience! We hope you enjoyed the conversation on how to creatively drive attendee experiences in 2024.

We would love to hear your feedback on this event and hope you’ll take this quick 2-minute survey:

virtual event email templates - watch the recorded session

Here are additional resources we promised to send your way:

    • Continue the conversation and join our Slack community.
    • Download our new Guide To Being an Awesome Event Leader.
    • Request a Demo to learn more about our technology solution.


Your friends at Events4Awesome

Registered But Did Not Attend

Subject Line: We missed you!

Hi Name,

Thank you for registering for our event, Reimagine Experience, where we featured interactive thought huddles and keynotes from the NBA and discussed how to creatively drive attendee experiences in 2024.

virtual event email templates - watch the recorded session

Here are additional resources we promised to send your way:

    • Continue the conversation and join our Slack community.
    • Download our new Guide To Being an Awesome Event Leader.
    • Request a Demo to learn more about our technology solution.


Your friends at Events4Awesome

Key Takeaways

There are four main touchpoints in event email marketing

  1. Invitation Emails set the tone and are the first line of communication with your audience
  2. Confirmation emails are an essential part of establishing trust and guiding the registration journey
  3. Reminder emails that keep your event at the top of your attendees’ inboxes
  4. Finally, post-event emails allow you to continue the conversation and send follow-up materials

In virtual event email marketing, it’s a good idea to keep your subject lines clear and concise. Include dates and the name of the event for easy recognition, and use your invitation emails to spark intrigue about the event

To see more email templates and access helpful resources, download the Virtual Event Production Kit.

virtual event production kit from bizzabo

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